Dirk Frischemeier is the team leader for all
working areas and met us for an interview.
Schubs: The complete range of services you offer today, did you already offer that in 1995?
Dirk Frischemeier: Originally, we started with a group of 18 worker in the electronics sector. With the growing demands, over the years, we extended our spectrum of operation to include digitalization, a special department store “Fairkauf”, logistics, metal processing, assembly and packaging work, as well as certain jobs outsourced to the industry.
Schubs: How did you generate your first employees?
Dirk Frischemeier: In 1995 the first group was founded in Holzminden. It was made up of people with mental disabilities and those who didn’t take advantage of the conventional working offer for people with disabilities in the workshop in Dassel.
Schubs: How did you establish your customer base?
Dirk Frischemeier: Currently, our client repertoire encompasses 40 clients from diverse fields, most of whom have been loyal to us for many years.
Schubs: Are the cooperations either about business or substainability?
Dirk Frischemeier: Our continuously high work quality and our flexibility make us a key partner for the industry. On top of that, our costumer can deduct our invoice of performed hours from compensatory charges.
Schubs: When did your partnership with Schubs start?
Dieter Frischemeier: The business relationship with Schubs started in 2007. Initially, we produced smaller component series for them. Over the time the work spectrum extended more and more. Currently, two electrical installation groups of 25 employees each, assemble up to 60 complex control cabinets for Schubs.
Schubs: The module DAKoTA provides efficient production of manufactured goods with a consistent serial production of the same structure. On screen assembly plans can be used for manufacturing. When was DAKoTA introduced to you?
Dirk Frischemeier: At the end of 2017, in the context of our ISO Certification which included increasing demands of the end costumers.
Schubs: Why did you decide to use DAKoTA?
Dirk Frischemeier: Because we have direct access to the server of Schubs. The required working instructions for our work are always current. This has a great importance for a smooth production flow. In the process of our own external certification according to DIN ISO 9001:2008, all staff and employees are encouraged to entirely utilize DAKoTA.
*DAKoTA is a module which serves the efficient production of finished products with high throughput series and the same structure. Employees can call up construction plans on the monitor and then produce them.