Our employees
and your families
We assume responsibility for our employees and their families through self-financed growth of the company and thus create secure jobs. A fair partnership and open communication is an essential part of our corporate culture. As a medium-sized company, we are particularly proud of our above-average length of service and our employees from 14 nations. Freedom and personal responsibility strengthen the motivation of our employees and their identification with the company. Therefore we rely on a balanced commitment

of all employees, as well as on the contribution of innovations and ideas of each. This ensures profitable cooperation and the continuous further development of our company for all those involved.

A large number of internal and external factors influence a company’s range of services, which is why continuous investment and further development through training and further education of our employees is a must for our company. This also includes regular training in the areas of occupational safety, health and environmental protection.

Cooperation with Parity institutions
Social participation and thus integration into working life is a symbol of the holistic view of humanity. For this reason, cooperation with equal institutions in the region is very important to us. People with disabilities are given the opportunity to discover their knowledge and skills and use them in paid work.
We now work hand in hand with 5 workshops that employ 150 people on a permanent basis.

Charta der Vielfalt
The key to success lies in diversity” is the basic conviction behind this initiative, which was launched by four companies in 2006. The aim is to create a working environment free of prejudices and barriers.
This refers, for example, to nationality, sexual orientation, religious belief and much more. We have been a member of the Charter since 2018, which has developed into a Germany-wide network.

World Vision – Supporting self help
We also see ourselves as responsible towards the poorest regions of the world and support World Vision in its work. A big part of this work is to improve the living conditions of children and families. In this way we are working on securing the basic care that we take for granted. For example, medical care, sufficient nutrition and access to clean drinking water and education. The local people are supported by sponsorships. Because only help to self-help is the way to help children and their families out of poverty.

With our DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 certified environmental management system, we ensure that the concept of environmental protection is put into practice in all business processes. Some examples of this are the recycling of plastics, resource savings in product and packaging materials, and metal waste that is recycled.
Both in the buildings and in the outdoor areas, the lighting has been completely converted to energy-efficient and environmentally friendly LED technology. For short journeys within the region, an electric vehicle is used, which can also be booked by employees for leisure purposes.

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Since July 2018, ‘Learning together’ has been the motto of the cooperation between SCHUBS and the Ruhr University Bochum. The two companies are working together on a project for an automation solution to combine the cabling of a control cabinet, consisting of a cable magazine and assembly tool, with automated robot program generation.
Institution for Integrierte
Produktion Hannover (IPH)
The vision of supporting assembly processes digitally was the impetus for Axel Schulz to apply to “Mit uns digital! Together with the institute, Moonshiner was developed, a visual assistance system that can be operated intuitively.
Find more information about our projects here: Digitalisierung